Tech detox: Having non-tech hobbies as a developer
As a person who spends most of my time staring at the computer screen, it is not surprising I need to have other hobbies. Being a developer and writer equates to me being on the computer and sitting down for 8+ hours a day. To prevent me from going insane I have a few hobbies I enjoy doing.

As a person who spends most of my time staring at the computer screen, it is not surprising I need to have other hobbies. Being a developer and writer equates to me being on the computer and sitting down for 8+ hours a day. To prevent me from going insane I have a few hobbies I enjoy doing.
Why developers should have non-tech hobbies
Writing code, doing research, and working can be overstimulating. To admit, I don't code for 24/7. I'm human and need some time to decompress. Other devs and engineers said they don't enjoy their free time after work. You don't have to code outside of work all the time. It would not hurt to step away from the computer for a break.
I got into gardening after some swag for a hackathon. It was basil seeds. I planted them indoors and waited a few weeks before transporting them to a different pot. The benefit of gardening is growing food and herbs to use in cooking. I used the fresh basil in Caprese salad and was delicious, better than the store-bought basil in the grocery store.
Gardening does not have to be outdoors. There are indoor gardening kits that use hydroponics, growing in water with nutrient solutions rather than soil. You can even DIY a hydroponic setup although it requires research to set up and optimize it.
I first learned sewing while in Girl Scouts when I was little. It wasn't until I was a teenager I started using and learning the sewing machine. From accessories to garments sewing is an eco-friendly way for clothing. Even better, upcycling old clothes can help reduce waste compared to fast fashion. I added a patch to an old sweater and started wearing it again.
Sewing does take some time to learn, depending on the goals. I learned pattern drafting from scratch and it took me several tries and corrections before I found the right fit. For a much faster process, buy a store-bought pattern at a craft store or online.
Ah, art. My favorite medium to explore. Art has a wide variety of options to explore.
- Sketching and drawing
- Pottery
- Woodworking
- Painting
- Resin
- Stickers
- Pins
- Coloring
I currently have gotten an adult coloring book a couple of years ago and enjoyed that as an activity to pass the time. Art is an activity that can lead to extra income. Exploring creative passions as a hobby can increase positivity.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I try to at least get exercise in. I prefer to exercise early in the morning than later in the day. There is a wide variety of ways you can exercise and options. I do weight lifting, dancing, cardio, yoga, HIIT for exercise.
I lost over 20 pounds that I gained during the pandemic by exercising about two years ago. I wake up at 5 am to get my 30 minutes of exercise in for the day. It does take discipline and easy to slip back into bad habits.
The biggest tip when exercising is to do a physical activity you enjoy. Don't push yourself too hard and know your limits.
Reading has been my longest hobby of mine. While I prefer physical copies, I read ebooks using my library card. Get a library card! They offer tons of free goodies and a great way to save money. I read horror novels to books of mushroom types. The last book I purchased was on carnivorous plants.
Cooking and Baking
I'm guilty of looking through social media for recipes. Instead of cooking the usual meals, why not do something interesting and cook something I have never done? For baking, I like to look at Pinterest or TikTok for ideas. Cake decorating and pastries can show the level of detail that is too good to eat. It's also an activity to reduce stress and be creative.
What are your hobbies?